4 Must-Haves for the Perfect Summer Vacation Rental in Memphis

4 Must-Haves for the Perfect Summer Vacation Rental in Memphis

Memphis attracts a lot of visitors each year, with more than 11 million people going there in 2022 alone. This means there's a lot of money to be earned from owning a rental property in the city if you know how to.

Knowing how to run a summer vacation rental in Memphis means knowing what the average vacationer wants. What are people looking for when they visit Memphis? The best vacation homes have a few specific features that help attract more clients.

We'll talk about some of these features and why they're so important here.

1. Reliable Wi-Fi

It's become a cliche to say that we're in the Digital Age, but we really are. Where was the last place you went without your cell phone? Did you do it on purpose?

The average American spends more than 7 hours per day online. Many people aren't used to life without wi-fi, and they certainly don't expect to give it up for their summer vacation.

It's also important to know that quality is expected. If you offer spotty Wi-Fi or it cuts out in bad weather, you won't attract as many guests.

2. Toiletries

Few feelings are better than being clean and dry. Bathing offers many health benefits that make us feel more refreshed. No bath or shower is complete without body wash, shampoo, and conditioner.

Many vacation guests will also need to shave, wash their hands, and brush their teeth. Packing for vacation is often hectic, and people frequently forget little things like that. It simply doesn't occur to them to bring them, or they assume their rental will have those things.

3. Pet-Friendly Areas

Most Americans have some kind of pet, and many don't consider it unless their furry, feathered, or scaly friends come with them. As a landlord, you might have concerns about this, and that's understandable.

Don't worry about potential damage to your property if you allow pets in. There's such a thing as vacation rental insurance, which covers any damage your guests or their pets do to the property.

4. Location

We've all heard the old saying that real estate is all about location, but there's a lot of truth to it. Most of our real estate purchases, be they permanent homes or Airbnb rental properties, are motivated by location.

Before buying, ask yourself where the property is located. Is it close to popular attractions? Is it close to food and shopping? Does it have a scenic view?

You need to know as much as possible about a location before investing in it. If it's not near anything vacationers want to see, you won't have much luck getting renters.

What You Need in a Summer Vacation Rental in Memphis

Whether in Memphis, D.C., or Bora Bora, no summer vacation rental property is complete without certain perks. We've discussed some of those features here, but you can learn more by reading our blog.

If you're looking for a property management company to help you, come see us at Property Management Inc. We encourage you to learn more about our company and workers before you reach out.
