What Are the Different Types of HOA Meetings in Memphis, TN?

What Are the Different Types of HOA Meetings in Memphis, TN?

2.5 million homeowners were serving as HOA members in 2021. All those people attended HOA meetings to better their neighborhoods. Just imagine - millions of people huddled in rooms, discussing community topics.

You may think HOA sessions held by the board are just common monthly gatherings; where they discuss the same things each time. But did you know there are different types of meetings?

Your HOA community doesn't come together to have redundant sessions but rather discuss various subjects to keep things in your community orderly. Below is a quick guide to the different kinds of HOA meetings.

Executive Sessions/Closed Meetings

An executive session (or closed meeting) consists of the association's board of directors and other less generalized positions.

Closed meetings aren't open to the public. The neighborhood isn't allowed to view the minutes from these gatherings.

These types of HOA meetings often debate confidential or sensitive topics. Personnel matters, contractual negotiations, and legal issues are commonly discussed.

Regular Sessions and Committee Meetings

Regular sessions (or open meetings) are the opposite of their executive counterparts. These sessions are open to the public and are the most common type hosted by HOAs.

Open meetings are held at least monthly but can be called quarterly or on an as-needed basis. The HOA discusses topics like budget, finance, and property management projects.

Members of the HOA and homeowners can bring up concerns and ask questions before casting votes.

Committee meetings have a similar structure to open sessions. The main difference is all members are notified a week to a month in advance - the exact date depends on HOA guidelines.

Minutes from these gatherings are given to board members to present at open meetings.

Special and Emergency Meetings

Special meeting sessions occur for specific reasons. These meetings only address items in the meeting notice that are usually outside standard business proceedings.

Recalling a board member and changing the governing documents (charter containing HOA rules and bylaws) are examples of why you'd call a special meeting.

An emergency meeting happens during unexpected events. Financial crises and natural disasters are common reasons to call an emergency session.

Annual Meetings

Annual meetings host events that help the association run smoothly. One significant affair is when homeowners elect new board members.

Yearly meetings also keep people updated on what's happening in the neighborhood.

The annual meeting is also when the board presents members with the yearly budget. The annual meeting happens around the same time each year. A lot happens, so it's best to plan events in advance.

Run More Organized HOA Meetings

Running an association takes a lot of time and effort. Conducting various different HOA meetings isn't the easiest task. Each type of gathering requires a certain set of HOA rules and skills.

But you don't have to do it alone. Bluff City's Property Management Incorporated team has the skills needed to accommodate all your needs.

We can help you better manage your HOA community with our expertise and experience. Contact us for a free consultation and assistance today.
